My group of 4-H children learning to sew love to save the selvedge strips and left over scraps to make long "tails". Somehow this morphed into a ball which we quickly named, Paige's Tail, for one of our favorite sewing buddies, Paige.
Paige loves to tie one long piece to her belt loop and walk around with it dragging behind her.
Slowly the ball grew. Each week new tails were tied on to the last tail end.
And it grew.
And grew.
And finally everyone's projects were cut out. Now the decision of how to present the ball to Paige. Some suggested to wrap the ball and give it to Paige. Others wanted to make something.
I suggested we crochet a rag rug for Paige's Play House. The little Play House built by her father and uncles which Paige and her nine siblings fill with lots of laughter.
Due to time restrictions the task to crochet a rag rug was bestowed to me as the children were not yet ready to crochet.
SEW with a borrowed crochet hook - a giant one - and on my eight hour trip to visit my little grandsons - I thought maybe I could have it done before the end of the trip.
Much to my amazement, just one short hour after departing, and after crocheting round after round, the little rag rug was suddenly done! Huh? I still had seven hours to fill!
And now the kids can start saving new tails to make a new ball SEW they can all learn to crochet! Meanwhile we will present Paige with her new rag rug for her Play House.