One Hour Skirt

One Hour Skirt

Just in time for the holidays, Haberman Fabrics, Royal Oak, MI posted this fast and flirty, trendy brocade skirt

WHAT YOU'LL NEED:Metallic Holiday Skirt
  • 1/2  yard* of fabric.
    We used 54" wide brocade fabric. Fabric yardage needed depends on your hip measurement and the width of your fabric.

    * If your hip measurement, plus 10 inches allowed for skirt fullness, is the same or less than the width of the fabric, you will need 1/2 yard piece of fabric. Use SEWING DIRECTIONS A
    * If your hip measurement, plus 10 inches allowed for skirt fullness, is more than the width of the fabric, you will need a total of 1 yard of fabric. That's 1/2 yard for front + 1/2 yard for back. Use SEWING DIRECTIONS B.
  • 2" wide elastic, cut the same as your waist measurement.
  • 1 hour of time
A: Using 1 width of fabric:
  1. Cut your fabric into a rectangle that is the width of hip + 10 inches and 16 1/2" long. (15" + 1 1/2" hem allowance)
     Directions A Fabric                      
  2. Finish raw edges. Serge or zigzag stitch all 4 edges of rectangle.
  3. Sew fabric into a circle, side edges right side together with a 5/8" seam.
  4. Press: Test heat of iron on scrap of skirt fabric before using iron on your skirt. Adjust heat lower if necessary. Press seam allowance open as shown below.
    Directions A Fabric
  1. Mark top edge of skirt into 4 equal sections, with the back seam as a marking point, as shown above.
  2. Sew elastic into a circle with a 5/8" seam. Mark bottom edge of elastic into 4 equal sections with the back seam as a marking point, as shown below.
    Directions Elastic
  3. Place wrong side of elastic on top edge of right side of skirt, with marked bottom edge of elastic overlapping 5/8" of fabric edge.
  4. Match markings. Pin elastic to fabric at each mark, pinning elastic seam open to lessen bulk.
  5. Sewing: Edge stitch bottom edge of elastic 1/4" in from its edge, stretching elastic to match fabric width as you sew elastic onto skirt.
  6. Hem: Fold up 1 1/2" hem on bottom edge of skirt. Hand or machine stitch hem 1 1/4" from bottom.
B: Using separate front and back pieces:
  1. Cut your fabric into 2 rectangles each being half hip measurement + 11 inches (for skirt fullness and seam allowance) and 16 1/2" long. (15" + 1 1/2" hem allowance)
  2. Finish raw edges. Serge or zigzag stitch all 4 edges of front and back rectangles.
  3. To sew fabric into circle: Place both skirt pieces right sides together with tops going the same direction and side edges matching. Sew fabric sides together with 5/8" seams.
  4. To mark top edge of skirt into 4 equal sections, mark center front and center back and side seams as shown below.
    Directions B Fabric

  5. Sew elastic into a circle with a 5/8" seam. Mark bottom edge of elastic into 4 equal sections, with the back seam as a marking point, as shown below.
    Directions Elastic
  1. Place wrong side of elastic on top edge of right side of skirt, with elastic seam at the center back of skirt and bottom edge of elastic overlapping 5/8" of fabric edge.
  2. Match markings. Pin elastic to fabric at each mark, pinning elastic seam open to lessen bulk.
  3. Sewing: Edge stitch bottom edge of elastic 1/4" in from its edge, stretching elastic to match fabric width as you sew elastic onto skirt.
  4. Hem: Fold up 1 1/2" hem on bottom edge of skirt. Hand or machine stitch hem 1 1/4" from bottom.
A: Using 1 width of fabric:
  1. Cut your fabric into a rectangle that is the width of hip + 10 inches and 16 1/2" long. (15" + 1 1/2" hem allowance)
     Directions A Fabric                      
  2. Finish raw edges. Serge or zigzag stitch all 4 edges of rectangle.
  3. Sew fabric into a circle, side edges right side together with a 5/8" seam.
  4. Press: Test heat of iron on scrap of skirt fabric before using iron on your skirt. Adjust heat lower if necessary. Press seam allowance open as shown below.
    Directions A Fabric
  1. Mark top edge of skirt into 4 equal sections, with the back seam as a marking point, as shown above.
  2. Sew elastic into a circle with a 5/8" seam. Mark bottom edge of elastic into 4 equal sections with the back seam as a marking point, as shown below.
    Directions Elastic
  3. Place wrong side of elastic on top edge of right side of skirt, with marked bottom edge of elastic overlapping 5/8" of fabric edge.
  4. Match markings. Pin elastic to fabric at each mark, pinning elastic seam open to lessen bulk.
  5. Sewing: Edge stitch bottom edge of elastic 1/4" in from its edge, stretching elastic to match fabric width as you sew elastic onto skirt.
  6. Hem: Fold up 1 1/2" hem on bottom edge of skirt. Hand or machine stitch hem 1 1/4" from bottom.
B: Using separate front and back pieces:
  1. Cut your fabric into 2 rectangles each being half hip measurement + 11 inches (for skirt fullness and seam allowance) and 16 1/2" long. (15" + 1 1/2" hem allowance)
  2. Finish raw edges. Serge or zigzag stitch all 4 edges of front and back rectangles.
  3. To sew fabric into circle: Place both skirt pieces right sides together with tops going the same direction and side edges matching. Sew fabric sides together with 5/8" seams.
  4. To mark top edge of skirt into 4 equal sections, mark center front and center back and side seams as shown below.
    Directions B Fabric

  5. Sew elastic into a circle with a 5/8" seam. Mark bottom edge of elastic into 4 equal sections, with the back seam as a marking point, as shown below.
    Directions Elastic
  1. Place wrong side of elastic on top edge of right side of skirt, with elastic seam at the center back of skirt and bottom edge of elastic overlapping 5/8" of fabric edge.
  2. Match markings. Pin elastic to fabric at each mark, pinning elastic seam open to lessen bulk.
  3. Sewing: Edge stitch bottom edge of elastic 1/4" in from its edge, stretching elastic to match fabric width as you sew elastic onto skirt.
  4. Hem: Fold up 1 1/2" hem on bottom edge of skirt. Hand or machine stitch hem 1 1/4" from bottom.

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